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Problem: A daemon configuration file has an error

A daemon will not finish initialization if its configuration file has an error, or has a missing field. The following comment is typical:

Aug 27 11:30:54 rotse4 rotsed: error: thumbfile not set in config file

Aug 27 11:30:54 rotse4 rotsed: rotsed_conf failed

First, the daemon (in this case, rotsed) reports which field has not been set (``thumbfile''). Then the daemon reports that it's configuration routine failed, and the system will shut down. To solve this problem, please set the keyword in the proper configuration file.

Under normal running conditions the operator should not see this error, as configuration files are fairly static over time. However, this error often pops up after a recent software update- in that case, a template value should be available in the master configuration file in  /rotse/etc/.

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Rotse Pager 2003-05-20