When the system shuts down (either intentionally or unintentionally) all the daemons receive a SIG: 15, which is the standard Linux TERM signal. Seeing all the daemons report that they got SIG: 15 is normal. We will need to find out which daemon started the avalanche.
To isolate the offending daemon, start at the end of the logfile (in less, the > command goes to the end) and search backwards for which
daemon timed out. This can be accomplished by doing a backwards search in less, with
the ?timeout command. You will see output similar to the following:
Aug 12 21:14:50 rotse3a schierd: Non-0 when resp = @Status2RA0000, 0003, 0000 39B3
Aug 12 21:14:50 rotse3a schierd: error bit 3 set on axis 0
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: @RecentFaults Axis 1 High Output 8/12/2002, 20:19:36.277;
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: MOUNT_ERROR: Running error_recover()
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: Brake on axis 0
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: Drive amp disabled on axis 0
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: Reset failed.
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: unrecoverable error
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: begin shutdown, errno: Interrupted system call
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: Clearing mount command...
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: Sending carriage return
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: closing mtfd
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: closing focfd
Aug 12 21:15:00 rotse3a rotsed: daemon timeout (15.0098 > 15.00) exceeded, schierd
Aug 12 21:15:00 rotse3a rotsed: obtain_status failed
In this case, rotsed is reporting that schierd, which controls the
mount, is having a problem. The lines preceeding this timeout usually contain an
error report from the daemon as it went down. In this case, the key lines
Aug 12 21:14:50 rotse3a schierd: error bit 3 set on axis 0
Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: @RecentFaults Axis 1 High Output 8/12/2002, 20:19:36.277;
This particular error will be discussed in Section 9.5.3.
If you are having problems with the camera, refer to Section 9.4 for specific information on the camera log file.