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Problem: The balance is off or a cable is snagged

If schierd is having problems, the error log might have the following line:

Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: Error reported on RA Axis:

Aug 12 21:14:53 rotse3a schierd: @RecentFaults Axis 1 High Output 8/12/2002, 20:19:36.277;

In this case, the RA axis (axis 1) motor has tried pushing too hard. This is usually caused when the mount is trying to track through a region where the balance is bad; the motor tries to keep the axis steady, and fails. On telescope set-up, we should have a systematic check to ensure that the telescope can track through the entire hemisphere.

It is also possible that there is a cable snag. After making adjustments to the mount, make sure that all cables are securely locked away.

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Rotse Pager 2003-05-20