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Uncorrecting Images: uncorrect

At the current moment, we plan to archive only the corrected data and the calibration files. The image correction process is completely reversible, with the exception that the bias information is lost. The bias subframe statistics are retained in the image header, described in Section C.1.

The program uncorrect performs the uncorrection procedure. It is run as follows:

$ uncorrect

usage: uncorrect -i filename [-o outfile] [-C caldir] [-c subr_x -d subr_y -m xmask]

uncorrect will only use the dark, flat, and fringe files that are explicitly named in the corrected image header. The path to these files defaults to the paths specified in the header, or can be overridden with the -C option. The output file defaults to the image root with a extension, so as to distinguish it from the true uncorrected file. The subregion cropped from the original defaults to that specified in the header [need to write this!] or the default cropping from corr_im_fast. This program is fairly fast, but if the online analysis works as planned we should only need to run this program infrequently.

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Rotse Pager 2003-05-20