New ROTSE3 transient: ROTSE3 J145521.0-014847.6

Near realtime analysis of ROTSE-III sky patrol fields has revealed an interesting transient which we designate ROTSE3 J145521.0-014847.6. This object is absent in images taken until 23 March 2005, and is present in images from ROTSE-IIIc from 01 April 2005, and is still around 17.7 magnitude on 03 April:
Bright 17.3 magnitude transient

The object is present in quiescence in the Sload Digital Sky Survey, and full details can be found here. The r-band magnitude is 20.43, and g-r=0.01. The object was targeted for spectroscopy as a serendipitous quasar target.
Spectrum of SDSS/ROTSE3 J145520.95-014848.3 in quiescence.

The redshift calculated by the pipeline is 0.0047 with a confidence of 0.22, which means that this might be a spurious calculation. The spectrum might be consistent with a hot white dwarf, which would mean this is another galactic CV, although we do not have a positive identification at this time.

The position of the object is (J2000):
RA: 223.83746DEC: -1.81321
L: 353.77B: 48.44