ROTSE3 CV: ROTSE3 J100932.2-020155

Online analysis of ROTSE-III sky patrol fields has revealed an interesting transient which has been previously designated a \"star\" 2QZ J100932.1-020155. This object is below our limiting magnitude in images taken up until 14 February 2005. From 20 February 2005 it has been around 14.5 magnitude.
Bright 14.5 magnitude transient
Light curve of the transient. The first detection is on 20 February. The best limit prior was on 14 February when it was below 17.7.

The 2df galaxy redshift survey reveals a bluish (b-r = 0.36) counterpart at b=20.54 magnitude. There were two spectra taken during quiescence, in Jan 2000 and May 2001. One of these shows clear H-alpha emission showing that this is a galactic object.
2df spectrum of quiescent counterpart, taken 14 Jan 2000. H-alpha emission is visible.
2df spectrum of counterpart, at a second epoch, taken 21 May 2001.

On the night of 21 February 2005 we obtained a spectrum of the source from the HET telescope at McDonald Observatory, Texas. Strong H-alpha emission is apparent. The spectrum has been flux calibrated, and the continuum from 5000-8000A should be reliable. After 8000 A there is order overlap, which has not been corrected.
Spectrum of ROTSE3 J100932.2-020155 during outburst, from 21 Feb 2005. The object is very blue with a prominent H-alpha emission feature.

At this time, Quimby supposes this is consistent with a SU UMa Dwarf Nova during a super outburst. We are continuing to monitor this source.

The position of the object is (J2000):
RA: 152.38402DEC: -2.03186