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The burst.conf file can be used to input burst coordinates for follow-up when no GCN alert was received. This can happen because the system was down, or because only a GCN circular was issued, with no socket notice.

# Burst configuration file

# -the comments cannot be changed


#grb  date  type  num.   R.A.       Dec.    Epoch  Err.  UT    Observations

#                       (dec.deg) (dec.deg)        (')  (


grb  011122  34       0 173.62540 -76.03740 2000.0   5.0  0.7828

This file is read in by astrod at the start of every evening. The operator can force a re-reading of the entire schedule (including burst.conf) by sending a hangup signal as described in Section 4.1.

Each burst is given a date, type, serial number, position, error (in arcminutes) and UT at time of burst in decimal hours. The observations column is filled in by the scheduler and should not be altered by the operator. The scheduler will then use the timing information to schedule follow-ups as described above in Section 4.3.4.

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Rotse Pager 2003-05-20