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Match Structures

A match structure FITS file consists of two extensions. There is no useful information in the header. The second FITS extension is simply an array of all the cal structures that were stored in the second extensions of the cobj files that went into creating the match structure.

The first FITS extension contains the match structure itself, which is an array of structures, one element for each object in the calibrated object lists that compose the match structure. The fields in each structure are defined in Table C.3, where $nobj$ is the number of objects in the structure, and $nobs$ is the number of observations included in the match.

Table C.3: Fields that go into a ROTSE-III match structure. Values that vary for every object in each field, such as magnitude, are two-dimensional arrays, while values that only vary from observation to observation, such as the average magnitude, are one-dimensional arrays. The overall limits on the R.A. and Decl. coordinates are four floating point numbers. The variables $nobs$ and $nobj$ refer to the number of observations and the number of objects, respectively, contained in the match structure
Field Name Datatype Format Contents
KX FLOAT Array[$nobs$, 4, 4] Coordinate Conversion Matrix
KY FLOAT Array[$nobs$, 4, 4] Same
JD DOUBLE Array[$nobs$] Date in Modified Julian Day
EXPTIME FLOAT Array[$nobs$] Exposure Time
IMAGENAME STRING Array[$nobs$] Image file name
RAC FLOAT Array[$nobs$] Center of image
DECC FLOAT Array[$nobs$] Center of image
RAL FLOAT   Image limits
M FLOAT Array[$nobs$, $nobj$] Object magnitude
MERR FLOAT Array[$nobs$, $nobj$] Uncertainty in M from SExtractor
FLAGS INT Array[$nobs$, $nobj$] SExtractor flags
DRA LONG Array[$nobs$, $nobj$] Observation Position * 1000000
DDEC LONG Array[$nobs$, $nobj$] Same
RFLAGS BYTE Array[$nobs$, $nobj$] ROTSE flags
MSYS BYTE Array[$nobs$, $nobj$] Systematic Error Estimate
RA DOUBLE Array[$nobj$] Mean location of object (deg)
DEC DOUBLE Array[$nobj$] Same (deg)
NUMOBS INT Array[$nobj$] # of obs in which object was in FOV
CONSEC BYTE Array[$nobj$] Was object in consecutive obs?
NGOOD INT Array[$nobj$] # of good obs in which obj was detected
MAVG FLOAT Array[$nobj$] Mean magnitude of each object
MSTD FLOAT Array[$nobj$] RMS scatter in M for each object
M_LIM FLOAT Array[$nobs$] Limiting magnitude of each obs

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Rotse Pager 2003-05-20