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Standard Data Directory Structure

On each telescope control computer, programs, configuration files and data products are put in standard places so that they can be easily accessed. The locations of the files necessary for telescope operations are described in Table A.3. Image data are placed on different discs, and these directories are described in Table A.4. The first two directories are on the camera computer, and the third is on the control/analysis computer. The directories on the camera computer contain the raw images as recorded from the camera via camserverd. The images are not separated into subdirectories, and the only standard subdirectory is called links in 3a1, which contains the symbolic links which are processed by sexpacman.

Within the pipeline directory identified in Table A.4 are several important standard directories and data files. These files are summarized in Table A.5 and are described here in more detail. The pipeline directory contains six subdirectories: image, which contains all the corrected images, prod, which contains the sobj and cobj files (as well as a directory match for any archived match structures), html for the WWW-formatted output from idlpacman's burst response, cal, which contains dark and flat field files and anything else needed for calibration, thumbs, which contains the thumbnail JPEG images produced by, and transfer, which will be used hold files intended for transfer back to Michigan. The pipeline directory also contains the configuration and log files used for sexpacman and idlpacman, as described in Sections 2.3.3, 8.2.1, and 8.2.2.

Table A.3: Standard definitions for the locations of ROTSE-III system files.
Directory or File Path Description of Contents
/rotse/run/bin/ Directory with Binary Files
/rotse/run/etc/ Directory with Configuration Files
/rotse/run/cfg/ Directory with rotsed lockfile
/rotse/run/log/ Directory with daemon logfiles
/var/log/rotse.log ROTSE logfile

Table A.4: Standard definitions for the locations of ROTSE-III data products. The letters ``3a'' should be replaced with the appropriate two-letter designation for the telescope in question, see Section A.3.
Directory Path Description of Contents
/rotse/data/3a1/ Directory with non-alert image files
/rotse/data/3a1/links/ Directory with links to raw image files
/rotse/data/3a2/ Directory with alert image files
/rotse/data/pipeline/ Automated Pipeline Parent Directory

Table A.5: Standard products to be located within the pipeline directory identified in Table A.4.
Directory or File Description of Contents
image Directory for corrected image files
prod Directory for cobj and sobj files
prod/match Directory for match structure files
html Directory for burst response products to view
cal Directory for dark, flat, and fringe field files
thumbs Directory for JPEG thumbnails
transfer Directory for things to transfer to UofM
sex.conf Configuration file for
sex.log Log file for
sobjlist Output list of sobj files created by
idlpac.conf Configuration file for
idlpac.log Log file for

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Rotse Pager 2003-05-20