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Problem: The power supply has died

It can happen that the image will fail quality cuts, as mentioned in the previous Section 9.4.2, but the problem might be more serious. When the camera is not getting proper power, there are two important diagnostics:

  1. The camera temperature is not read out correctly, usually reverting to -280$^\circ$ C. Our cooling system, however, obeys the laws of thermodynamics.
  2. The MEAN in the central SUBFRAME is fixed at 32000, while the STDDEV is 0.0
  3. The chip isn't cooling at all, the temperature stays at 13.4$^\circ$ C, and you see lots of hot pixels.

A likely problem is that one of the air filters on the camera power supplies has clogged up, and there is insufficient airflow to cool the power supply. First, check which power supply is not running. (You need to listen carefully to figure this out). Next, try to clear the air filters. If that works, great!, if not, please contact the authors and Bob Leach at ARC cameras ( for information on resurrecting the power supplies.

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Rotse Pager 2003-05-20